Many people struggling with student loan debt wonder if bankruptcy could provide them with some relief. Bankruptcy laws are strict when it comes to student loans, but it is possible to have them discharged under certain conditions. Understanding the requirements...
Year: 2024
What disqualifies you from alimony in Pennsylvania?
Navigating the complexities of divorce can be challenging, especially when it comes to understanding alimony eligibility. In Pennsylvania, several factors can prevent a spouse from receiving alimony. Understanding these disqualifying factors can help you better...
5 types of possible witnesses in criminal defense cases
Witness testimony in Pennsylvania criminal defense cases can help establish facts and present evidence. However, there is a common misconception that a witness must directly observe the alleged crime to testify. In reality, the law allows for various types of...
4 ways to prepare for your personal injury case
When injured due to someone else's negligence, navigating a personal injury case can feel overwhelming. However, proper preparation can significantly impact the outcome of your case. 1. Document the details Start by carefully documenting the details surrounding the...