Many people struggling with student loan debt wonder if bankruptcy could provide them with some relief. Bankruptcy laws are strict when it comes to student loans, but it is possible to have them discharged under certain conditions. Understanding the requirements...
What is the role of the trustee in Chapter 7?
The U.S. Courts reported 239,750 Chapter 7 bankruptcy filings in 2022. Each of these cases involved a trustee who played a central role in the process. Their responsibilities serve to ensure a just and orderly distribution of assets to creditors while granting debtors...
Can bankruptcy help you remain in your home?
When the burden of debt becomes too much to bear, bankruptcy can provide relief. However, the fear of losing your home to foreclosure or eviction might give you pause. Fortunately, it is often possible to remain in your home after filing for bankruptcy. In fact,...
Can foreclosure defense protect my home?
Foreclosure defense is the process of legally fighting back against a bank that wants to foreclose on your home. This defense forces the bank or other lender to provide proof they can legally foreclose on your home. Sometimes, you can use a foreclosure defense instead...
The road to your financial future runs through the 341 meeting
Once you declare for Chapter 7 or 13 bankruptcy, you are on the right road to a brighter financial future. But first, you must make a stop at the 341 meeting. What is this? Learning the purpose The 341 meeting, named for Title 11, Section 341 of the United States...
Reviewing the differences between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy
When you file for bankruptcy, you may qualify for either Chapter 7 or Chapter 13. Each "chapter" has its own requirements and process for relieving debt you cannot repay. Understanding the important differences between these chapters can help you decide whether...
What debts are dischargeable in Chapter 7 bankruptcy?
Perhaps you are contemplating Chapter 7 bankruptcy but are not quite sure if you are pursuing the right type. Though there are several branches of bankruptcy available, Chapter 7 might seem more beneficial if you are looking to eliminate most, if not all of the...
Can Chapter 7 bankruptcy protect your vehicle from repossession?
If you are struggling to pay your bills, you might have fallen behind on your auto loan. As essential as your vehicle is to your livelihood, your monthly payment may be more than you can currently afford. You may be planning on filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy, though, and...
Can bankruptcy help my credit card debt?
Credit card debt is an incredibly dangerous form of debt because of how quickly and quietly it can grow. After enough debt has accumulated, the credit card adds more interest than a debtor can pay off. When it gets to that point, it results in an endless cycle of...
Bankruptcy Courts and the Law Firm of BRMD adapt to Covid-9 protocols to make filing bankruptcy both safe and efficient
The Bankruptcy Court of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania has modified their procedures to make filing bankruptcy as flexible as it has ever been. When I began practicing bankruptcy law over 25 years ago, the typical procedure would require that the client come...